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Immobiliare Di e Gi
Immobiliare Di e Gi
Via Roma, 1
Villanova d'Albenga - Savona
Phone:  +39 0182596210  (Mobile:  +39 3391051667)
Independent Villa for two families with sea view and olive trees all around for sale in Cisano on the Neva - Vendita - Ref. CIS.V.2
220 m²    |    € 320.000
Cisano sul Neva (Savona) Locality: Hill - Via Moraire 21

Ville G - EP gl nren 317.52 - EP gl ren 1.13 kWh/m2 yearly - Epi - Epe - En. output almost Zero
Residential for Sale 220
Habitable Autonomous Garage and Parking Lot
10 4 2
2.70 30 600

Independent villa with sea view and olive trees for sale in Cisano sul Neva
Independent villa on the 4 sides, with private access, large garden and olive trees for sale in Cisano sul Neva
A few minutes from the center of the village, beautifully exposed to the sun, in a dominant position overlooking to the valley and the sea of Albenga we offer a villa developed on 2 levels
Ideal for a resident family

Cisano sul Neva (SV)
City: Savona
Town: Cisano sul Neva
Locality: Prima Collina
Zip: 17035